Zerach Yisroel Kohen HaRo'eh
Zerach Yisroel Kohen HaRo'eh
On May 18, 2017, I attended the wedding of a mutual friend’s daughter alongside my friend at the time, Shabtai, an attorney representing the Israeli government.
During our drive along the newly constructed Route 1 highway, Shabtai shared a pressing issue the Ministry of Transportation was facing. Despite the highway’s purpose of improving traffic flow, it was unexpectedly causing a significant slow down.
Mindful of my experiences with prophetic insights—such as my role in bringing rain back to Israel—Shabtai mentioned that the government was planning to hire an external consultant at a cost of one million dollars to solve the problem. When I offered a solution, he welcomed it with enthusiasm.
I explained that the red neon speed limit signs along the highway were the root of the slowdown, as they unintentionally signaled drivers to reduce speed.
After the wedding, Shabtai presented my recommendation to the Ministry of Transportation, and soon after, the speed limit signs were removed. The results were immediate—traffic flow improved significantly, fulfilling the highway’s original goal.
Of course, I had hoped to receive some form of recognition or compensation for my insight—especially given that it saved the government a million-dollar consultancy fee. Instead, the attorney took full credit for the solution.
While it was disappointing to be overlooked, I take true satisfaction in knowing that my contribution played a meaningful role in resolving the issue—improving the journey for countless drivers every day.